In a move aimed at enhancing support for talented individuals and developing their skills, Benha National University signed a cooperation protocol with “Teatro” Training Company, under the auspices of Prof. Tamer Samir, President of the University. The protocol was signed by Prof. Mahmoud Shakl, Vice President of the University for Employment, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, while Mr. Sherif Nail Bosaila, the Executive Director of “Teatro,” represented the company. This event was attended by:
- Samia Al-Azab, Dean the College of Dentistry,
- Ayman Samir, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine,
- Mohamed Siraj Al-Din, Dean of the College of Physical Therapy,
- Sherif Abu Al-Saadat, Dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design.
Prof. Tamer Samir expressed his happiness at the signing of this protocol, which aims to develop the skills of talented individuals, emphasizing the university's significant interest in supporting and developing the skills of talented students by establishing a unit for caring for talented and creative individuals within the university. He explained that the protocol seeks to provide a comprehensive educational environment that contributes to the development of students' skills through specialized training programs that enhance their personal and professional capabilities.
Prof. Tamer Samir also pointed out the university's commitment to collaborating with civil society, in line with the state's vision to support and develop the skills of talented individuals with disabilities, aiming to enhance their self-confidence and empower them to participate effectively in society. He clarified that the university seeks to organize events and training workshops for individuals with disabilities in collaboration with university students to promote the culture of community integration.
Prof. Mahmoud Shakl, Vice President of the University for Employment, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, expressed the importance of this partnership with “Teatro” Training Company in opening new horizons for talented students, confirming that the protocol will provide them with the opportunity to benefit from specialized training programs that contribute to developing their practical skills.
Prof. Hussein Al-Maghrabi, Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs, expressed his pride in signing this important protocol, noting that supporting talented individuals is a fundamental part of the university's mission to provide distinguished education that contributes to community development. He emphasized the importance of integrating efforts between the university and “Teatro” Training Company in providing specialized academic programs aimed at enhancing students' academic and creative capabilities.
Mr. Sherif Bosaila, the Executive Director of “Teatro,” emphasized the importance of this initiative in enhancing the skills of creative university students, expressing the company's readiness to collaborate with the university in organizing training programs aimed at improving students' skills and developing their personal and professional capabilities.
This initiative is part of the university's plan to develop the skills of talented students, form artistic teams from university students, and train them in collaboration with Teatro, in addition to providing specialized training courses in the French language, and participating in supporting individuals with disabilities in line with the Egyptian state's vision.