BNU President
Prof. Tamer Samir Mahmoud
BNU President

BNU Vice- President
Prof. Hussein Mahmoud ElMaghraby
BNU Vice- President for Academic Affairs

Prof. Kareem Mohamed ElDash
BNU Vice- President for International Relations Affairs

Prof. Mahmoud AbdElSalam Shakal
BNU Vice- President for Employment, Graduates, and Innovation Affairs

Deans of Colleges
Prof. Mohamed Saeed AbdElGhafar
Dean of College of Engineering

Prof. Shady Yehiya ElMashad
Dean of College of Computer Sciences

Prof. Samia Mostafa ElAzab
Dean of College of Dentistry

Prof. Ahsraf Ismail ElMashad
Dean of College of Medicine

Prof. Ayman Samir Farid
Dean of College of Veterinary Medicine

Prof. Mohamed Serag ElDein Mahgoub
Dean of College of Physical Therapy

Prof. Doaa Akl Ahmed
Dean of College of Economics and Business Administration

Prof. Sherif Hussien Abou ElSaadat
Dean of College of Visual Arts and Design